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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Catholic Visits

Sacrament of Reconciliation - Years 3 and 4 received the Sacrament of Reconciliation at Blessed Sacrament Church today. We used this time to reflect on our choices, say sorry for our mistakes and be forgiven.

Ash Wednesday - We visited Blessed Sacrament Church to attend Ash Wednesday Mass with Father Seamus. We heard the Gospel reading and all pupils received their ashes.

Pupils, staff, parents and governors attended Mass to celebrate the great Solemnity of the Epiphany of the Lord - a Holy Day of Obligation on Friday 6th January, at Blessed Sacrament Church with Fr Jakub Joszko.

Pupils, staff and parents attended Mass at Blessed Sacrament church, celebrated by Fr Seamus for All Saints' Day 1.11.2022

School Chaplaincy Team visited Westminster Cathedral, and had a fantastic training session on becoming successful in their role as School Chaplaincy Team. They created scenes bringing the Bible to life, the explored the differences in giving instructions, reading Psalm 139, the learned about the Lectio Divina again using Psalm 139, they took part in team building exercises, they designed a superhero from recyclable items, and they took part in guided meditations. All of these activities they will lead with their own chaplaincy classes back at school.

Fr Jakub led a beautiful Mass for the whole school on our school feast day Corpus Christi.

The school Chaplaincy Team and Caritas Ambassadors attended the Pentecost Liturgy at Westminster Cathedral - the home of our Diocese. The beautiful service was attended by all schools in the Diocese, and led by Bishop Paul McAleenan.

The whole school attended Mass for the Feast of the Ascension at Blessed Sacrament Church

The School Chaplaincy Team had a visit from Colette Joyce of Justice and Peace, Westminster. They had an inspirational talk on how we can lead on Catholic Social Teaching in our school, what projects we would like to develop, and how we can make a positive change. She also lead a very reflective prayer experience for us.

Fr. Jakub came to visit the Year 4 pupils to talk about his role as a priest in the Blessed Sacrament Parish. They pupils learnt a lot about his different roles as part of learning the RE topic 'Community'.

Visit to Blessed Sacrament Church - Stations of the Cross

Visit to Westminster Cathedral for Caritas Ambassadors - Love in Action 2020

Saint Therese Class Watch a Baptism

Year 2 Visit Our Local Church

Bishop Nicholas Visits Our School

Adoremus - Blessed Sacrament Church

Westminster Cathedral Trip (31.01.20)

