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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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The Congo Tree

Our first meeting with Heidi and Simmi from The Congo Tree. The School's Caritas ambassadors, Eco Leaders and School Chaplaincy Team met with Heidi and Simmi to learn more about the organisation, what valuable work they do and how we can help. We learnt about the terrible plight of children being used to mine for cobalt and coltan in DRC. We chose a project from several to begin with, and we chose Tree of Life. The Tree of Life is a project that involves narrative and art therapy programmes aimed at helping people deal with past trauma and move on with a better sense of identity, increased resilience and hope. Each cohort goes through a 'Tee of Life' session before they start their mentoring journey. This is particularly aimed at young people who have been affected by the conflict in DRC. Our pupil leaders will meet to plan fundraisers and how we can support the project. More information to be shared shortly.

