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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

Get in touch


Education is a partnership between school and home.  Parental help is always welcome in school to accompany visits, to assist with clubs and to work in classes.  We welcome your help at home in listening to your child read.  All pupils are given homework commensurate with their age and ability.  Parental support to ensure that homework is completed properly and in time is much appreciated.  We hope that by working together we can help your child enjoy success at school.


At Blessed Sacrament School, all classes are handed out homework on a Monday to be completed and handed in on Friday morning. Homework will include 10 weekly spellings, times tables, and relevant English, Mathematics and RE. Activities should take no longer than 30/40 minutes every evening. Your child should be able to complete homework independently as it will be set to consolidate learning in class from the previous week but parental involvement will help to encourage your child. All homework, unless otherwise directed, should be completed in your child's homework book and presentation should always be of a high standard. Pens should only be used if your child has a pen licence in school. 

