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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Safer Internet Day and Online safety for parents and children (assembly and workshop):


Blessed Sacrament had a fun 'Safer Internet Day and Online safety for parents and childrenassembly/session. We had a “Bring Your Parent to School Afternoon”, for an open classroom afternoon with family members! The children enjoyed a fun assembly on keeping safe online and parents also had an assembly to help children keep safe online! Parents were able to come into class afterwards and enjoy a fun and interactive e-safety lesson with their children. 

Year 5-6 E-safety assembly:


Year 5 and 6 carried out an e-safety assembly for the whole school. They taught everyone how to enjoy games online and how to keep safe online using SMART rule: Safe, Meeting, Acceptable, Reliable and Tell! 



