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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Summer Reading Festival Author Visits at Blessed Sacrament School

Extreme Reading Challenge 2022-2023

Blessed Sacrament took part in the "Extreme Reading Challenge". Children sent a photo of themselves reading in unusual places to celebrate our love for reading. Children were encouraged to be creative and have fun with reading. We have had some fantastic photo's sent in. Well done to all those children that took part.

BookTrust Storytime with Lewis Carroll Library

Get Islington Reading Focus Group

A group of children from St Martin were selected to carry out a pupil focus group to speak about how they feel about reading for the 'Get Islington Reading' survey, this is to ensure pupil voice plays a significant part in the development of the programme. The children were fantastic and created a lively discussion about reading. 




Blessed Sacrament school is delighted to be taking part in this project funded by the National Literacy Trust. 

Get Islington Reading will build

a reading community, inspiring young people to develop

and sustain a love of reading by connecting schools and public libraries, focusing on the critical transition between primary and secondary school.


As a result of the project pupils will:

Be more likely to read for pleasure or empowerment
Read a broader selection of texts and/or more often
Be more confident in their reading skills
Have improved attitudes towards reading

Please see the Parent Leaflet for more information 

Get Islington Reading Parent Leaflet


Although the ability to use phonics to decode is an important building block when learning to read, the ability to comprehend what has been read is essential. In order to understand what is read children need to be able to make and justify predictions, to decipher the meaning of unknown words, and also to ask questions and summarise what they have read. These skills are primarily taught during reading sessions from Year 1 onwards through the use of reciprocal reading and directed activities related to text, using the Oxford Reading Tree Scheme.

 In order to widen reading opportunities and promote reading for pleasure children make fortnightly visits to the school library, and weekly visits in KS1 and fortnightly visits in KS2 to the Lewis Carroll library.

Children also experience the joy of sharing a book with their class teacher during daily story time at the end of each day.

 The ability to read fluently and with understanding is an essential life skill. Our aim is to ensure that children are able to do this and to also gain a love of reading. 

Please use the links below to continue to support your child with reading and phonics at home. Please also ensure you find time to read with your child at home and comment and sign in their reading record book.

  • Oxford OwlFree downloadable ebooks from Oxford Reading Tree series

