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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Photos and Events

Kew Gardens - We had a lovely day at Kew Gardens! We got to see lots of weird and wonderful plants and had a workshop with one of their experts all about rainforests. We even got to see a Kapok tree which we had read all about in a previous English topic. Everyone had a wonderful day!

Corpus Christi - We celebrated our school Feast Day with a special Mass in the morning followed by an ice cream treat in the afternoon!

Science - We have been learning about the functions of different parts of the plant. Today we learned about the leaves and how they are designed perfectly for their job. We sorted, described and drew leaves.

Bring a Parent to Maths - Thank you everybody who was able to join us for some times tables practice! We had a lot of fun playing different games getting ready for our Y4 Multiplication Check in June!

English - We have now finished our topic on African Stories. You can see some of our lovely work displayed here! We read stories Ananse the cunning spider and then wrote our own. We read about Mufaro and his beautiful daughters, made predictions and wrote letters from the point of view of the characters.

King Charles' Coronation Celebrations!

History - We learned about all the different Gods that the Ancient Egyptians worshipped. We had to match the description of the God to their picture. It was a bit tricky!

RE - We learned about the meaning of the Paschal Candle and practiced the actions and words the Priest uses when he prays over the candle at the Easter Vigil.

Maths - We played a game to practice partitioning decimal numbers with tenths and hundredths!

Science - We planted cress seeds, sunflower seeds and nasturtium seeds for our topic about plants. We will grow the cress in different conditions to learn more about how plants grow best.

Neolithic Flatbreads - Today we were making Neolithic-style flatbread and a simple berry spread. We learned about cooking safely, measuring ingredients and how to use different cooking equipment. It was messy but lots of fun!

History Fashion Show! We put on an amazing assembly today showing everything that we have learned in our history topic "British Clothing 1066-Present Day." We had fun dressing up in clothes from different eras and sharing information with our friends and families in our assembly.

Red Nose Day! We were excited to wear red to school and donate to Comic Relief. Saint Anthony also won the Maths and English Doodle trophies and the attendance award!

Stars of the Week!

History - We looked at British fashion during the Georgian period. Women used fans as a way of communicating with others at balls and other formal occasions. We designed and created our own fans inspired by pictures of Georgian ballroom scenes.

Author Visit - We had a visit from author Cath Howe! She talked about her career as an author, her writing process and the inspiration behind some of her best-selling books. We then took inspiration from 'The Insiders' to draw our most valuable item and write about why it's so important.

Gardening Club - We have been having fun planting fruits and vegetables in our school garden!

History - We learnt about fashion during the Stuart period! We learned that British noblemen were inspired by the flamboyant French royals and that this was a contrast to some fashion in Britain with the plainly dressed Puritans. We had fun designing and making dolls to show the fashion choices of this historical period.

English - We read Neil Gaiman's "The Wolves in the Walls" and then we role-played a press conference as the characters speaking about their experience of the wolves coming out of the walls!

Ash Wednesday - We attended Mass on Ash Wednesday to receive our ashes and hear the Gospel readings.

Goodbye Alleluia - On Shrove Tuesday we said goodbye to the joyful word 'alleluia' because are entering the sombre time of Lent. We won't be saying this word for the next 40 days!

Science - We learned about different factors which are contributing to climate change. We made posters explaining some of the dangers as well as information about how we can reduce the impact of these harmful practices.

Stars of the Week!

Black Lives Matter - we came up with our own symbolic gestures to show that we will be allies to the Black Lives Matter movement and stand up to racism.

Stars of the Week!

Geography - We made rainforest dioramas. We used lots of different materials to create 3D rainforests! We spent the whole day working on our projects and had lots of fun.

Stars of the Week!

Geography - We researched different rainforests around the world. We found out about their location, climate and all the animals and plants that live there.

Maths - We made arrays to find factor pairs of numbers!

Geography - We are beginning to learn about rainforests. We read a text about rainforests and used oil pastels to draw a picture including all the details that we had read. They looked am

Stars of the Week!

UCL Geography Workshop - Saint Anthony class participated in an online workshop learning about earthquakes and volcanoes. We used 3D glasses to study images and labelled the different layers of the Earth.

Maths - We had fun practicing our 11x table with a board game activity. It was quite competitive!

Visit to Blessed Sacrament Food Bank

Science - We were investigating pitch and volume. We experimented with different instruments to see how we could increase or decrease the pitch and volume.

Geography - We used Google Maps to trace the journey of a river from its source all the way to its mouth!

Science - We made string telephones to understand how sound travels by vibration to our ears.

Science - Our new topic is all about Sound. We walked around the school making notes of what we could hear and thinking about the source of the sound.

RE - We have been learning about Matthew's Gospel and the family tree of Jesus.

Geography - We used atlases to find mountain ranges around the world and mark them on our own maps! It was tricky but fun!

The Creation Story - we used different artistic materials and techniques to show the six days of God's Creation according to Genesis 1.

Stars of the Week!

Science - We investigated different circuits. We had to predict which ones we thought would work and then test our ideas!

History - We had fun using clay to create replicas of Stone Henge and primitive huts as we have been learning about life in the Stone Age.

History - We made replicas of antler headdresses as found at Star Carr by archaeologists.

Stars of the Week!

