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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Holiday Play Schemes 2022

Dear Parents and Carers,

Highbury Roundhouse is running Easter Playscheme at Aubert court community centre (N5) and offering HAF places that includes free childcare with lunch and trips to children on free school meals and vulnerable families. If you would like more information about booking your child, please book via their website.

For a quick access to the details please see below the information about the project:

HAF - Holiday Activities and Food Programme

Highbury Roundhouse in partnership with Islington Council, is providing FREE Holiday Playscheme provision for your children during the holidays, along with free activities, and healthy and nutritious meals.

All activities are completely free for families with children from Reception to 11 years old, who are eligible for benefits such as free school meals, children with an Education Health and Care Plan (EHCP), and children with a social worker or family support worker.

Who is Eligible?

Islington resident children/young people attending school from Reception to 11 years old who:

· Receive benefits-related free school meals (FSM)

· Have an allocated Social Worker or Family Support Practitioner

· Have an Education Health Care Plan (EHCP)

· Are referred to a holiday activity provider by a professional working with the family to offer early help and support services

· All eligible children will need to present a unique code

How to Book

First register on the website.

After registering, please send an email to with the following information:

· Your child’s unique code

· Your child’s name

· Your child's DOB

· The dates you are requesting

Places are limited, so please book as early as possible.


School will be closed to all pupils during the half term (Monday 14th - Friday 18th February). If you require childcare for your child during this time, the following settings will be open and offering places - paid for places for children of Critical and Key Workers, and funded places for Vulnerable Children.

Acorn Club - Feb Half term children's club in the Cally Area - open to all LBI residents

Holidays - childcare and things to do

Holiday childcare playschemes operate each holiday, apart from Christmas, following government guidance

A limited number of free places are available for vulnerable children at each holiday playscheme. Professionals and practitioners should apply direct to providers to enquire about a place for a child they are supporting.

Parents can apply direct to schemes to enquire about fees and availability for childcare places.

Elizabeth House N5 1ED

Age: Reception to Year 6
Hours: 9am to 5.30pm
Cost: £20 daily (£10 concessions)
Enquiries: 020 7690 1300
Booking: or via website

Hanley Crouch Community Association, Brickworks, N4 4BY

Age: Reception to Year 6
Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm
Cost: £20 daily (sibling discount available)
Enquiries: 020 7263 1067
Booking:  Phone or email or via website 

Highbury Roundhouse @ Hanover Primary N1 8DB

Age: Reception to Year 6
Hours: 9am to 5pm
Cost: £17.80 daily (£16.80 siblings)
Enquiries: Julie Day, 07914 255545
Booking: via website

Highbury Roundhouse @ Yerbury Primary N19 4RS

Age: Reception to Year 6
Hours: 9am to 5pm
Cost: £17.80 daily (£16.80 siblings)
Enquiries: Julie Day, 07914 255545
Booking: via website

Hilldrop Playscheme, N7 0JE

Age: Reception to Year 6
Hours: 8.15am to 5.30pm
Cost: £20 daily (some discounted rates for siblings and children with SEND)
Enquiries: 020 7606 9453;
Booking: via website

Hornsey Lane Community Association,
N19 3YJ

Age: 3 year olds to Year 6
Hours: 8.30am to 5.30pm
Cost: £20 daily (some discounted rates for children with SEND)
Enquiries and booking: 020 7272 5938, 07377 000510;

Mary's Holiday Playscheme, N1 2TX

Age: 6 to 12 years
Hours: 9am to 5pm
Cost: £22 daily (extended hours, 8.30 to 9am £3, 5-5.30pm, £3; or £6 for both)
Some discounted rates for low income and children with SEND apply.
Enquiries: 020 7704 2873;
Booking: via website

Childminders can also provide holiday childcare. Use the directory to find a childminder in your area, or phone the Family Information Service (FIS) for advice, 020 7527 5959, or contact the FIS by email.

All providers welcome children with SEND and are committed to working with parents and other professionals to provide good inclusive practice. Parents and professionals are encouraged to take time to discuss the needs of each child well in advance of attending provision.

Access to Sports runs free activities during holidays; see website for details.

Islington's Adventure Playgrounds are also open during each holiday, including half-term, but are closed at Christmas. Some places are available at Christmas 2021 for children eligible for benefits-related free school meals, or for vulnerable children by referral.

