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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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At Blessed Sacrament school we follow the scheme of Work - You, Me, PSHE which  is a planning resource which supports the teaching of PSHE education in Key stages 1 and 2.


The planning resource includes lesson plans, whole school and year group curriculum overviews, assessment activities and resources for teachers to use in lessons. The curriculum overviews enable teachers to track topics across the academic year alongside relevant learning expectations. 

Each topic in the resources incorporates activities to establish the starting point of learners and assess progress. The topics included are:

  • Careers
  • Drug, alcohol and tobacco education
  • Financial capability and economic wellbeing
  • Identity, society and equality
  • Keeping safe and managing risk
  • Mental health and emotional wellbeing
  • Physical health and wellbeing


Our Health Education Programme forms an integrated part of the Science and RE curriculums.  Through PSHE pupils are taught interpersonal skills, how to stay safe and healthy, the improtance of exercise and the risk involved in the use of harmful substances.

The school has an active School Council with two representatives for each class.  Elections are held annually to elect a new council and meetings are held regularly.

