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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Our Curriculum Intent

Blessed Sacrament Primary School

‘With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning, together we aim for excellence’


At Blessed Sacrament Primary school we plan our curriculum with pupils’ learning at the centre. We aim to ensure that all pupils make progress, and we recognise that a curriculum has to be broad, balanced and offer pupils opportunities to grow as individuals as well as learners.

As a Catholic School, the teachings of the Gospels are at the centre of everything we do. Pupils are taught to treat each other with respect and to support each other in their learning. We aim to ensure that pupils enjoy learning and feel prepared for life after school. We intend to offer our pupils new and exciting experiences that are designed to build resilience, confidence and self-esteem both in the classroom and through extra-curricular activities. We recognise that pupils should be challenged in their school; learning from failures and celebrating successes. We intend for our curriculum to enable pupils to develop their interpersonal skills, creativity and independence. It is our intention that pupils leave Blessed Sacrament school with a sense of belonging to a community where they have the confidence and skills to make decisions, self-evaluate, make connections and become lifelong learners.


Aims of our Curriculum

•           We have reviewed our current curriculum provision to ensure that our pupils acquire and can apply the key skills and knowledge in English and Maths and are ‘next year ready’ as they progress through the school.

•           We have identified the key academic and personal development skills and values which are essential to our pupils’ access to the wider curriculum.

•           We have audited wider curriculum provision in terms of Intent, Implementation and Impact, and identified any gaps in entitlement, provision and opportunity.

•           We have developed a curriculum map which fully meets National Curriculum expectations, the needs and context of our pupils and which substantiates the development of their cultural capital through an engaging, inspiring, inclusive progressional curriculum with a focus on creativity & human achievement.

We aim for all pupils to:

Become fluent and confident readers and to develop an appreciation and love of reading whilst gaining knowledge across the curriculum.

Use excellent basic skills across the curriculum including Reading, Writing and Mathematics.

Receive a broad and balanced curriculum that gives them enriching and engaging learning experiences in all areas of the curriculum.

Develop a sense of morality, respect and community.

Be excited by the curriculum and want to learn.

Retain key knowledge in all curriculum areas.

Become independent, resilient and divergent learners so they are ready for secondary school (and beyond).

Be challenged and make progress across all areas of the curriculum (including disadvantaged pupils and those with a special need and/or disability).

Have a broad and lasting knowledge of subject specific vocabulary through strategies such as Box Clever and Word Aware.

Have a wide range of life experiences that enhance their learning (including trips and extra-curricular activities).

We recognise the importance of Reading across the whole curriculum and its impact on the future success of pupils. Our children are taught to read confidently, fluently and with a good understanding. Pupils are encouraged to develop a habit of reading widely and often, for both pleasure and information through daily practice and whole school activities. Reading is at the heart of our curriculum and real texts are used to introduce topics across different subject areas including history, geography and science.

As a Catholic school, we have designed a curriculum that teaches pupils morality, respect and a sense of community.

Our aim is that all pupils make good progress across all areas of the curriculum (including disadvantaged pupils and those with a special need and/or disability). There is a sequencing of subject-specific concepts based on what we expect pupils to know at each particular stage ensuring challenge. We are an inclusive school and we aim to ensure curriculum access for all, including disadvantaged pupils and those with special educational needs and/or disabilities.

Our curriculum has been developed to introduce/explore new vocabulary and activities have been planned to ensure that pupils get the opportunity to apply and revisit this new knowledge.

Not all of our children (including some of our disadvantaged pupils) have the opportunity to develop their life experiences outside of school. Our curriculum considers the local context and it is enriched with local trips, workshops and visits linked to curriculum areas.


At Blessed Sacrament school, the full range of National Curriculum subjects and Religious Education (Margaret Carswell Programme of Study) are delivered in order to ensure our children can experience a broad and balanced curriculum.

These include: English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Computing, Spanish, Art and design, Design and Technology, Music, Physical Education.

Safeguarding and online-safety, Personal, Social and Health Education, including Relationship and Sex Education, Global Citizenship and British Values are also taught as part of the whole –curriculum and independently.

To find out more about these subjects visit the curriculum pages on our school website.

The teachers at Blessed Sacrament School are responsible for the leadership of the curriculum subjects. Each subject leader reviews the curriculum plans for their subject(s), ensures that there is full coverage of the National Curriculum programmes of study and that there is progression of knowledge, skills and understanding.

All the staff at Blessed Sacrament school endeavour to ensure that all children are motivated, inspired and want to learn. The teaching and learning in our school is enriched through visits, visitors, themed days and extra-curricular activities. High expectations are set for all children and every effort is made to ensure there are no barriers to every child achieving.

