Curriculum Map
History & Geography
At Blessed Sacrament School, we know that history plays a key role in providing an anchor point for children to develop their understanding of how we have arrived in this place and time, and the many life lessons that must be drawn from key events from the past. As a result, the History Programmes of Study are taught with progression from year to year, providing opportunities to make connections across the curriculum and embed this key area of learning which inevitably provides opportunities to develop children’s social, moral, spiritual and cultural development; an area we take very seriously. This ensures the curriculum is exciting and meaningful, which helps engage and motivate our children. To teach history effectively we look to teach and implement key skills throughout the topics. These skills cover vital knowledge and understanding that the children need as they develop their historical perceptions. The skills are divided into 5 sub areas:
Chronological understanding – This ensures the children understand that history is the study of the past and it makes sure that children are able to sequence events in date order. Children will also be taught the key dates of influential and important events from the period they are studying.
Knowledge and understanding of events, people and changes in the past- the in depth knowledge of a period in history. The children will learn about the different ways of life, be able to describe key events and examine the cause and effect of people’s actions within a particular period.
Historical Interpretation – Children will analyse the way the past is represented through different sources and assess the usefulness of these sources. They will confidently be able to research using information books, the internet and a library for secondary information.
Historical Enquiry- This is the use of evidence from a variety of sources to build up a picture of the past. The children will make deductions using both primary and secondary historical sources.
Organisation and Communication- This is the ability to recall, select and organise historical information. This ensures that children can present information using a variety of techniques such as drama, role play, models, ICT, writing and display.
Geography is a key part of the National Curriculum at Blessed Sacrament School and has a natural relationship to History. Each year group teaches the subject explicitly, making meaningful connections across the curriculum. A lot of time is put in to make sure that this subject is fun and engaging throughout the school. Children’s innate ‘what’ ‘when’ ‘how’ ‘where’ and ‘why’ questions are highly encouraged through this subject.
The subject is organised into key skills that are taught throughout the year. These skills are implemented into the planning of each year group to show progression throughout the school.
Enquiry and Skills – Children are expected to ask and answer questions about the world that they live in, whilst also looking at data in various contexts and explaining what this means to them and the area around them.
Geographical Language – Understanding key geographical terms and vocabulary which will help their understanding of the subject.
Knowledge and Understanding of Places– Students will learn about their local area and the world around them, discussing the differences between continents, countries and regions and why these human and physical differences exist.
Knowledge and Understanding of Patterns and Processes– From changing seasons to changing physical processes such as erosion and weathering, children will understand why these changes take place and what impact they have on our lives.
Knowledge and Understanding of Environmental Change and Sustainable Development– Focusing on human activity, children will learn about how our local area is changing as well as the world around them, thinking about what we could change to make the world a better place.
Map and Atlas Skills– Children will use resources such as atlas’ and Ordinance Survey maps to contrast the key features of the local area as well as the world around them.