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Blessed Sacrament Catholic Primary School

With Christ’s love at the centre of our living and learning,
together we aim for excellence

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Imagining Futures

Let us Dream - The importance of hope & collective imagining for a better future

Blessed Sacrament school alongside other schools in the Diocese, is taking part in IMAGINING FUTURES, the new collective imagining programme designed and supported by Caritas Westminster.

The programme uses Catholic Social Teaching to encourage audacious collective imagining in schools, to create ambitious visions for the future, and small steps for personal and society change and activism, through heads, hearts and minds.

Pope Francis encourages us to dream in his book ‘Let us Dream’: "We can start to discern, to see new possibilities, at least in the little things that surround us, or that we do each day. And then, as we commit to those small things we start to imagine another way of living together, of servicing our fellow beloved creatures. We can begin to dream of real change, change that is possible."

Imagining Futures is a new project for primary schools to celebrate Caritas Westminster’s tenth anniversary. This two-part project encourages students to have a positive, hopeful view of the future through collective imaginings, the creative arts, and social action. 

Part 1: Imagining a Future gives students a space to exercise their collective imaginations and envision a hopeful view of their local community in ten years’ time. The students will express that vision through the creative arts, whether that be traditional artwork, sculpture, poetry, prose, playwriting, or any other medium that they and their teacher sees fit.

Part 2: Help for the Here and Now allows students to take small, meaningful, impactful steps towards the vision they created in Part 1 by planning and enacting a social action project in their local community. In seeing the impact they can have, students will learn that the vision they imagined is not only possible but one they can (and should) have a hand in working towards.

