Religious Education
"Religious Education is the 'core of the core curriculum' in a Catholic school"
(Pope St John Paul II)
Aim of Religious Education:
At our school, we believe that the aim of teaching quality Religious Education within the classroom and wider school setting is to open pupils up to the mystery of God’s work. We strive to develop religiously literate children who are able to think spiritually, ethically and theologically. They are encouraged to look at the world around them with a deep sense of awe and wonder at all of God’s creation. Pupils are taught to value and respect all backgrounds and understand that we have a responsibility to care for God's world.
Religious Education in the Curriculum:
10% of the teaching timetable is dedicated to Religious Education. Please refer to the curriculum map and termly leaflets for more information on what the children are learning and how you can support them. The content of Religious Education at Blessed Sacrament offers a systematic programme of study which comprehensively covers all the strands and requirements of The Religious Education Curriculum Directory (3-19). This ensures that the teaching and learning of Religious Education at our school reflects the vision and breadth of the teaching of the Church outlined in the Catechism.
How You Can Help:
As the first educators of your children, it is important that your children see you taking part in religious life. By attending Mass regularly with your children and supporting them in their school work, we can work together to provide a spiritually rich environment which enables your children to grow in the light and love of God.
Religious Education at Blessed Sacrament
Margaret Carswell's Educational Programme 'In God's Name'
At Blessed Sacrament, we follow Margaret Carswell's programme of Religious Education for Foundation and Key Stages 1 and 2. It follows the Liturgical calendar in a series of engaging and increasingly in-depth topics.
In God's Name draws on foundational documents of the Church, universal and local, and well researched best practice in Religious Education as an academic discipline. In God's Name presents a Catholic world view through learning about the Traditions of the Church, Human Experience, Creation and Scripture, named as the sources of revelation in Dei Verbum.
In God's Name offers a whole school approach to Religious Education, one in which all pupils explore a common theology or practice, differentiated to an age-appropriate level.
The content found in In God's Name is arranged deliberately to mirror the Liturgical Calendar and so the life of Jesus is explored 'logically', at the same time in school as it is in the Church. Six resources, two per term, take us annually from Advent to Advent, while a three year cycle rotates through the Gospels of Matthew, Mark and Luke, again in time with the Church. The cyclical nature of the resource means that the life of Christ and the Church unfold naturally: horizontally, learning is passed from one resource to the next for further development; vertically, seasonal theologies introduced in one year are consolidated in other years. This means that pupils arrive at each season with some familiarity with it, and so are able to build strong connections as they explore new expressions and insights of it.
Curriculum Map for Religious Education
Other Faiths Curriculum Map
Assessment in Come and See is related to the skills, concepts and attitudes to be developed through the exploration of themes and the learning outcomes of each topic.
“The main purpose of assessment is to ensure effective learning, to celebrate growth and achievement and enable further progress.” NBRIA
Informal assessments can be made informally throughout the year, where teachers will observe pupils undertaking a range of tasks, engage in pupil/teacher dialogue, scrutinise pupil’s work and observe pupil’s interactions with others as well as their contribution to the wider life of the school and our parish community. Progress is recorded in order to plan for next steps for learning using the appropriate driver words.
Attainment Target 1 Driver words-Learning about:
- Recognise
- Describe
- Give reasons
- Show understanding
- Identify and explain
Attainment Target 2-Learning from
- Talk about
- Ask
- Make links
- Engage and respond
- Explain
Formal assessments occur termly throughout the year and are moderated within school. Each theme is formally assessed twice throughout Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. An activity will be undertaken which enables pupils to show how they have met the Learning Outcome.